Sunday, December 4, 2011

U.S. Drone Shot Down in Iran

Sunday, December 4, 2011
A drone crashed in eastern Iran last week but it is unclear the cause of the accident. The Iranian military claimed they shot the drone down, however NATO claims the operators of the drone merely lost control. The drone, an RQ-170, was flying over western Afghanistan (which borders Iran) during a mission when it crashed. The U.S. has not said whether it was the military or the U.S. intelligence community was in control of the drone at the time of the crash. While the United States denies that the drone was flying of Iran, an Iranian military official has called it a "clear example of aggression."

Last July Iran's military claimed that it had shot down a spy drone near its nuclear enrichment plant. However, they later retracted the statement saying that the incident was part of a training exercise.


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