Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Insane Soccer Fans

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
In Columbia, some intense soccer fans brought the body of their friend in a coffin to a game last Sunday. Christopher Jacome, 17, was murdered last week while playing soccer in his neighborhood. Some of his friends, who were part of a soccer fan club called Barra del Indio, raided the local mortuary and stole his body. They somehow managed to get past security to a soccer match between Cucuta Deportivo and Envigado. Officials are looking into the case, trying to figure out how they got past security and what charges will be filed.

It will be interesting to see what kind of trouble these guys will get into. I believe it is a pretty serious offense to steal a body here in the US, but have no idea how bad it will be in Columbia. I'll try and keep an eye on this case and see what happens.


Dennise Montano

THis is so creepy!!! all of those other spectators there as well didn't even know!!! I would be traumatized all my life!!!

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