Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Somalis Charged with Piracy go to Trial in France

Wednesday, November 30, 2011 0
Six Somali men are currently on trial in Paris for allegedly hijacking a sailboat in 2008. They held the husband & wife captive in order to obtain a multimillion dollar ransom. This is the first trial in France's history that involves accused pirates. The sailboat was later raided by French navy commandos. One man was killed & only six of approximately 20 men were captured. All six men are charged with taking the couple hostage & three are also charged with hijacking the vessel. If convicted, all six men could face life in prison.

The couple on the sailboat were headed from France to Australia when their boat was boarded on September 2, 2008. They will not be in attendance at the trial.

Spanish Judge Trial Set

Spanish judge, Baltasar Garzon, has been indicted for allegedly violating his jurisdiction by "probing the execution or disappearance of civilians at the hands of supporters of Gen. Francisco Franco during and after the 1936-39 war." The crimes committed by Franco were covered under an amnesty that was approved in 1977, however Judge Garzon investigated the charges anyways. He believed that the "executions and disappearances amounted to a systematic campaign to crush opponents and thus a crime against humanity that could not be amnestied." If convicted, Garzon could face a suspension of up to 20 years. He has also been indicted for alleged misconduct during a corruption probe he was handling as well as payments he received while on sabbatical in New York City.

Garzon has been hailed a hero by human rights lawyers for "pioneering use of the legal doctrine of universal jurisdiction -- the idea that some crimes are so heinous they can be prosecuted in countries other than those they were allegedly committed." He is set to go to trial on January 17, 2012.
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