Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Strict Dress Code

Tuesday, January 18, 2011 1
I just read an article on MSNBC about the strict set of rules that UBS, a large Swiss bank, has for their employees. The dress code requires employees to wear wrist watches in order to show their 'trustworthiness and a serious concern for punctuality'. Women are required to wear makeup and not only perfume, but a specific brand of perfume. They even recommend that women keep their toes nails trimmed and filed in order to make their nylons last longer. Plus, you aren't allowed to eat onions or garlic before work because it could give you bad breath. Then, there are specific instructions for employees in certain countries. For example, if you work in Russia, 'never reject an invitation to the sauna'. In the United States, 'never criticize the President'.

This article cracked me up. I cannot imagine working for a company that had such specific rules for their employees. I agree that when you work for a business you should look professional, but this is a little over the top. The article said that the company was working on amending their rule book... I hope they are going to ease up on their employees!
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